Sunday 10 April 2011


With the Media bombarding our everyday lives with all sorts of music, tv shows, films, games, cartoons, it is a consequence for all of us to become a fan of something; since there are endless options for all different tastes. 

Stereotypically speaking, fans who get utterly attached to music idols and go to extremes in order to get their attention, are usually teenage girls and young women. The tendency is for these artists to be set in the Pop/RnB music scenario.

"this emotional attachment - some have compared to a form of love - is a vital component. May even be so intense as to go beyond an individual fan's ability fully put into words and explain it(...)" Matt Hills.

This video shows how obsessed one can become with a famous musician, but more importantly how -unfortunately- often, only girls go to extremes like this.

With new technologies such as Twitter and Youtube, fans have gained the freedom to interact with their idols. It has become easier for them to meet their favorite artists, as the majority of them post on Twitter when and where they will be, hence it goes beyond online interaction, it enhances the relationship between fans and their heroes, as it often gives them the opportunity to actually meet them in real life, many times.

"It is important to make contact in real life and not just online in social media like Twitter." Amanda Palmer, lead singer for The Dresden Dolls.

Youtube is also used by fans who are trying to gain their idols attention, or to simply show  how much they appreciate their work and their style/image.
There are tutorials teaching fans how to copy their artist's make up...

There are fans who are also artists and are trying to show to people -and their idol- their own talent -and again- how much they love the artist's work.

Some videos do grab the artist's attention, and it may ultimately result in this..

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