Friday 7 January 2011

"Who else hates digipaks?" (research)

When I searched on Google: "Why would people buy Digipaks?" (because personally, I don't buy digipaks and I don't know a lot of people of my age group that do- except some of my friends who are die-hard fans of Michael Jackson/Led Zeppelin/Lady Gaga) and the first thing that popped up was a thread from a forum on entitled Who else hates digipaks?
I thought I would take a look and read through the posts.
I found some reasons for why digipaks may lack popularity...

1. Some people complained that digipaks are "cardboard and wear out" and so they "have to be placed at certain areas in my CD rack so they don't get smashed."
2. Another person comments "(I'm) definitely not a fan", further stating, "typically the little spines that hold the disc in place snap". 
3. Someone inputs "Digipaks are not so cool as they once were." This could possibly be a more mature person commenting on the recent trends of illegal downloading, itunes downloading- rather than the 'older/more outdated' method of buying cds and digipaks.
4. "I like digipaks in my collection. They look good, but that's about it."
Generally, I found on this particular forum, there was a lack of support for digipaks.

However some users on the forum retaliated...
"It can give a different feel to a (album) release." I think this is an interesting comment as it shows the uniqueness a digipak can encompass, and why people buy digipaks, so the extras and the hype of the album maybe. I think digipaks can be related to fan culture and the 'fandom' ideology.

And probably the most balanced post was: "I prefer limited first-run editions, digipaks and unique packaging which to me adds to the mystic of dark/ambient/noise releases. Usually if one waits long enough you can buy the same music in jewel cases once the limited sales items are depleted. By that time it could even be on sale." This user refers to the pricing, commenting on how it is usually more expensive to buy digipaks than CDs, which is why some people may be less forthcoming to buy them.

Then someone, near the end of the thread, posts "wow. this is a lot of getting worked up about digipaks."
And that's when I realised it's quite a sad and boring theme to be cyber-arguing about, and reading, and so I exited the window.

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