Friday 24 December 2010

Audience Research, Questionnaire..

I found this website where - once I have created an account in it - I can create surveys for free, pass on the link to my friends so they can answer the questions, and ultimately get the results needed for this project.
I thought this website was not only useful but easy to use.

Here are a few printscreens, showing the questions I put together in a survey...


Through this questionnaire, I found out that the target audience of Grime music are teenage and young men of African origin, whereas Pop music are teenage and young women. However, Indie music seems to be equally attractive to both males and females, but the tendency is for White-Caucasians to listen to this. I also noticed that very rarely young people listen to the radio or watch television in order to consume music, the majority of them use Youtube to watch music videos, and mp3 devices to listen to their music on a daily-basis. This research has also highlighted the fact that young people do judge artists by their image, as very few said they usually give a chance to them, despite their image. My Questionnaire also shows that people that do dress according to their favorite artists, tend to be young teenagers, whereas the majority of the young adults claimed to only do sometimes or not at all. Another interesting fact is that the majority who find music videos a vital component to their lives, are teenagers aged between 15-18, the majority of the young adults have claimed they don't find it crucial to watch it when a particular song is released as they feel satisfied to only listen to the song.

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