Sunday 19 December 2010

Project Schedule: What we have left to film after the Xmas Holidays...

1. Girl singing the lyrics to the camera "But this feels so unnatural, peter gabriel too." (From different angles, but close up-medium close up needed)
2. The make-up/dress transformation scene, hands coming into shot, changing her look.
3. Handbag, jewellery, general accessories handed to her.
4. Lips/eye magazine cut outs covering her face.
5. Balloons fall around her/ fake snow.
6. Chains to physically restrain her.
7. Photoshoot- she learns how to pose.
8. More close-ups of girls face, to capture her emotions.
9. The transition to catwalk scene- where the music changes in tempo and pitch so the visuals will need to change too...
10. Catwalk scene.
11. Waking up scene

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