Sunday 19 December 2010

Audience Research: Interviews

1. Interview with person “X”, female.

“What do you like about Indie music?”
I like Indie music because.. it erm.. makes me feel as if I am being independent even though I’m not- I’m just conforming to the masses but I can kind of relate to Indie music.

“Can you relate to Indie fan culture?”
Yeah I suppose. I mean I shop at, I shop at places where they enforce Indie culture. Yeah like Topshop. They enforce it so really a lot of aspects of my life are influenced by my music, and I go to festivals as well. Yeah. I like festivals.

“What do you like about festivals?”
You can do what you want and drink as much as you like.
(Most music genres are becoming more and more mainstream, like, you can’t be individual anymore. I don’t see how you can… (then starts talking about a jumper- independent shops/charity shops)… but I brought this jumper because I am conscious of the fact that it would look good in my… in the surroundings I’m in. People who like what I like, say my jumper is nice, like you said it was nice (referring to me)… they like things that I like. My mum knits me stuff but then I go into Topshop and I see the same things there.

“Do you listen to any other genres of music”
I do. I listen to classical music sometimes and I also listen to folk, but most genres now are crossed anyway, so I suppose I listen to some electronic music now.. rock and punk as well.

“Why do you think there is a lack of females in this industry?”
Well I think it’s because the masses can generally relate more to male artists, but the women who are kind of Indie have evolved into women who are just kind of in magazines and stuff and you don’t really know what they do. They’re cool anyway. Or many are models who go out with men who are in the Indie bands or industry so they are the roots of the Indie look and drive I suppose.

“So, why do you listen to this music?”
I think it’s because it makes me feel like I’m being different… like I’m kind of rebelling. It kind of spurs me on to have my own views but then it could be classed as not my views because they’re their views. But its generally because they sing about things like society that I think about society already.. (starts talking about not liking xfactor Christmas no.1s) So I can relate to what they are singing about and so people like it because they get a feeling like they’re independent/different when they’re listening to the music. But really they’re not.
When interviewing person X, I felt she had a realist view on indie music and her expectations of the genre and she also explained to me how she views herself as a fan of indie music. Person X seems like she is conscious of where she is concerning indie music, she states that she can feel indepedent, but that is not the reality for her. She seems to conform to the ideologies that indie music stems from, but keeps reminding me (and herself) that she is aware of the "reality" of the situation- she is not really independent, but can relate to the ideologies of the music and situation she finds herself in.
I picked up on the references to fashion, and we discussed the "Topshop phenomenon", and she said that she realises and accepts that Topshop enforces the Indie Culture and she conforms to shopping there sometimes. However, she likes to also find original clothing, to become more individual, but whilst admitting to that, she questions how anyone can be really original anymore.
She is involved in popular fan cultures, e.g. going to festivals and there she mentions some key phrases linking to the themes of 'rebellion' and 'independence'.
When I asked person X about why she thought there were a lack of females in the indie industry, I was expecting as a female, she would be quite passionate in explaining to me the injustice of this predicament, but instead she gave me an honest straightforward answer: women are sort of like the promotional means to the success of the band and they are the drive and roots behind the indie look and opens the market up for females too.

2. Interview with person “Y”, male.

“When did you first discover Indie music?”
A few years ago, I used to go online and see new music, good stuff that was out on youtube and social network sites that were always advertising things and that’s how I eventually got into Indie music.

“What do you like most about Indie music?”
I like that it’s different. It’s got a lot of beats, a lot of different sounds. Indie bands these days tend to do something unusual and unique themselves, that’s what I like most about them.

“What is your favourite Indie Band?”
Right now, my favourite Indie band would have to be The XX. I think with their music it reaches out to a certain crowd. It’s very mellow and up beat as well and I just generally like their music. It’s a different sound.

“Can you relate to the Indie fan culture?”
 Yeah I usually go to concerts and look out for the latest styles, or I look at music videos. I don’t really imitate the fashion of the Indie world but in a way it inspires me to look or dress in a certain way.

“Do you listen to any other genre of music?”
Yeah I listen to a lot of different genres. I generally like anything with a good beat to it. I listen to electro, pop, R&B, whatever- as long as it’s good it’s fine.

“What is it you like most about Indie music videos?”
Yet again, Indie music videos try something different; they always go for a different attempt, aspects, and outlooks on life.

“What is your favourite Indie music video and why?”
My favourite music video is by a band called two-door cinema club- I like the colouring of the music video and the song goes very well with the visuals too.

“Why do you think there is a lack of females in the Indie industry?”
Indie music bands? Well, I feel like the reason is the male has always been dominant in the band. Lately there has been bands with female lead singers- they are trying to make a difference and break through. I think it is just an original thing- it has always been the male singer. I think that’s how it’s always been and always will be.

“What do you think Indie music gives to people?”
I think the music mainly reaches out to the ages of 14-19, simply because at that age you become a teenager, you start exploring music and start to identify yourself and with Indie music it can encourage you to look at things from a different way. Do you know what I mean? Like to be relaxed, they teach you things.

“Do you think indie music makes people feel Individual?”
With Indie music because it’s not such a popular genre, you can feel very special with it, because not a lot of people listen to it so when they do you can be like “oh Indie music, I like that stuff”

“What about when it becomes more Mainstream?”
Once it becomes mainstream , it’s not going to be unique anymore, it’s just going to be something you hear and see on music channels all the time. It’s not going to have the same effect it usually would because everybody is listening to it. You want to feel unique when you’re listening to it. If you know what I mean..

The way in which person Y discovered Indie music is really interesting, as it was through more of a word-of-mouth technique. I noticed that person Y is a strong advocate of indie music, and you can tell he has a strong admiration for the creative expression indie music promotes. Person Y mentions how indie music is different and he is a supporter of the originality they provide for teenagers. He picks up on a key point which is, when people start growing up during adolescence they are exploring their identity and personality- Y thinks that indie music can really help someone form their opinions on life, society, and enable them to use indie music to give themselves confidence and a social group. Person Y finishes by saying it would be a bad thing if indie music becomes more mainstream because it will lose its uniqueness which essentially, he argues, is what the main attraction is to this type of music. 

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