Wednesday 27 October 2010

Initial Ideas

Our Chosen Song :


As a young girl
Louis Vuitton
With your mother
On a sandy lawn

As a sophomore
With reggaeton
And the linens
You're sitting on

Is your bed made?
Is your sweater on?
Do you want to
Like you know I do

But this feels so unnatural
Peter Gabriel too

Can you stay up
To see the dawn
In the colors
Of Benetton?

Is your bed made
Is your sweater on
Do you want to
Like you know I do

But this feels so unnatural
Peter Gabriel too

Is your bed made
Is your sweater on
Do you want to
Like you know I do

Idea 1:

- Stop motion technique, to give an edgy feeling to the video, a sense of uniqueness, plus it would be really visually interesting.
- Two different people laying on their individual beds, one of the beds is placed outdoors, in a park, the other in an ordinary bedroom.
- Sense of freedom and randomness is conveyed as the man goes to sleep outdoors, having the nightsky above him and that brings him happiness.

-in progress-

Idea 2

- Two groups of young people
-Cross cutting editing would be used, to show the lives of these two different groups. One of them are partying in a zoo, literally going wild.
The other are partying in central London, hence our music video would display the contrast between young people having a good time in an concrete jungle the other in a natural one.

Idea 3 :

- Quote at the very beginning : "Peter Gabriel wants to save the world." this links to the reference of Peter Gabriel found in the lyrics of our chosen track.
- Road trip, the people in it would be young people, since our target audience are young adults, hence they would be able to relate not only to the song, but also to the video.
- Hand held shots would be used to give a sense of reality, intimacy. More importantly to make it look like a documentary, eg. Day 1, Day 2. We came to the conclusion that this would be visually appealing and very interesting to our audience.
- The group of friends would consist of about three guys and one girl. The reason why there is only one girl is that, the lyrics are about a young girl, "as a young girl"
- They all wear the very same sweater, only in different colours. Which also links to the lyrics. "Is your sweater on?"
- Stereotypes: Teenagers stereotypically portrayed as messy, disorganized, their car gets messier and messier as the days go by. "Is your bed made ?"
- Vampire Weekend is an american band, just like road trips is an stereotypical american thing -> From America, exploring England.
- This group of friends portrayed as geeks, who are trying to break free from teenage stereotypes and have a good time. They get more and more rebelious as each day goes by. -> Idea of freedom, which matches the song.

Idea 4 :

Film a group of young people filming and editing a music video.

-In progress-

Idea 5 :

A wealthy woman, really wealthy, posh.
her daughter, at first she is like her mother, like her copy - luxurious, rich.
As the music video continues she becomes trashy.
Continuous editing likely to be used.
The young girl, goes off to college, she meets four hobos on the way, becomes trashy, parties with them.
Cross cutting between the hobos and the girl and her mother.
Idea behind : Freedom. Breaking free from conformities. Hobos are free.

Idea 6 :

"The pursuit of happiness"
"Peter Gabriel wants to save the world"
- Day time
Posh girl, manipulated by society and the media, to be unnatural. she is oppressed. -> Plastic. -> High heels, make up, short skirt, low cut top, perfect hair.
Close up of her face, lots of hands all over her. Brushing her hair, puting make up on her. The background of the studio dissolves and suddenly the young girl is outdoors.
She gets fed up and goes into the woods, takes off her expensive clothes, throws them aside in an agressive way.
she takes off her shoes, as she cries she rubs her make up off, messes her hair up, and starts to make her way into the woods, as she walks into the woods, close up of hands offering her different things are shown. A masculine hand offers her a ring, she waves it away and carries on walking. another hand offers her books which symbolises university options, again she waves this away and keeps walking. along the way she if offered money, drugs and pregnancy tests. she denies it all, which conveys the fact that she doesn't want to make any decisions at this point of her life. there are muffled voices of people telling her what to do. at the end of her path she accepts a tissue that she is offered to wipe her tears, and a long white t-shirt, she puts it on, she is barefeet, and then the viewer learns that a group of hippies are waiting for her as they celebrate and sing, she accepts them, holds their hand, joins them and celebrates with them, she is now free and happy, natural, having a good time. Lastly she lays down on the matress "is your bed made ?"

The End.

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