Sunday 17 October 2010

Music Video Review

In this essay, I will be analysing a music video called "Drive" performed by the american rock band, Incubus. Characteristics of the genre of rock can be seen in this music video, for example, close ups are used on each and every member of the band; as they are playing their instruments. It's very conventional to display bands performing in their music videos, I believe this is done in order to remind the audience of their individual talents, of their creativity. Also to emphasize the fact that they are a band, they are able to play instruments.

The music video begins with cartoonized hands drawing the rest of its own body, this conveys not only the lyrics of the single "Drive" but it also illustrates the name of the album the song came from, which is "Make yourself"; this links to the famous quote "Life is not about finding yourself, is about creating yourself." Though the music video may illustrate the name of the album quite literally, it does not convey the lyrics in the same way. The song, the lyrics reflects on the theme of life and decision making, and this is conveyed through the metaphor of driving. I believe this works since it is more appealing to the viewer, watch a music video that is not literal, that can make them reflect afterwards, make them ponder what message this particular media text tried to convey.

The editing is quite basic, it is slowpaced which matches the rhythm of the song. However, as the song develops, it becomes more of an upbeat track ( chorus ) the editing follows and also becomes fast paced, it synchs up with the track. Again this is very conventional when it comes to music videos in general, they look sharp and attractive when the pace of the song matches the pace of the editing of the video.

Another convention of rock music videos which is displayed in this music video is the fact that the camera's focus is on the lead singer, he is the main star, so the close ups are all on him. A sense of voyeurism is found in this media text, as the majority of the lead singer's shots are of him shirt less, this is also a convention of modern music videos.

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