Wednesday 10 November 2010

An article on feminist female rap artists;jsessionid=9BC672E98722DF8772134F41D116C217.inst3_2a?docId=5000245433

Lady Gaga interview

There has been a discussion on whether Lady Gaga is a feminist icon...She makes an intresting point in the begining of the video but as the interview carries on she shows us that she does not even know what feminism is about.

G.I. Jane

The whole movie and espescially this scene is showing a woman doing what she wants not what others tell her to do and it shows how she succeeds in breaking some stereotypes of women in general. Espescially the dialogue is very intresting e.g. when the chief master tells the other soldiers how her presence makes them all "vulnerable". This also represents the view many men hold of women, that they make men weak and that it is best for them to stay home or at least not disturb men in "their territory".

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