Wednesday 3 November 2010

Russ Chimes "Midnight Club EP"

There is an interesting set of music videos which have been released in the past couple of months.

Here is a quote from an online article explaining what the videos are about ...

"Check out the first episode of an extended video series of three parts that is produced to promote for producer Russ Chimes' forthcoming new EP "Midnight Club," which includes the tracks "Never Look Back," "Tertre Rouge" and "Targa." Directed by Saman Keshavarz and produced by Francis Pollara, this raw, stylish and cut up cine-sensation stars Kendrick Kellawan, Mindy Brenner, Jessica Franz and Ben Barrett. Mighty cool stuff."

"Each song will be released as a separate music video, but when combined the trilogy will tell one single, narrative. "Each separate piece is a part of the whole, which tells the viewer a bit at a time and helps to make sense of the immensely complex and nonlinear story," producer Pollara tells me. He adds that the video features several colliding story lines that go along very well with Chimes' amped up, atmospheric and pop-savvy dance music."

This music video is experimental and I think it shows how music videos can be narrative based but still be very unique at the same time. I like how the shots have been cut up to make the video seem disorientating to watch, but even though it is confusing it is still engaging and we can see that a lot of work and thought has been chanelled into this video. Personally, this is why I admire this video because of the dedication and commitment it must of taken to make it.
Also, having three installments increases the story-telling aspect and continuity of the video- it makes it feel more like a film.
The video has a close visual connection to film-making, however it also incorporates the music, as the music establishes the pace of the visuals.


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