Sunday 7 November 2010

Longest music video: Kanye West Vs Michael Jackson

Well there's no competition really...

Michael Jackson held the top spot for longest music video at approx 14 minutes.
Now Kanye west has realeased his new music video "Runaway" which is approx 34 minutes.
However, concerning the actual quality of the video? In my opinion, "Runaway" isn't really worth the 34minutes of viewing time.

Firstly, Kanye is a bit of a poser in the video and the video has no clear order, it is, for me, an example of a video where the "random" theme doesn't work. Also, the narrative surrounds the idea of a fallen angel, as she integrates into the modern world. It's a bit of a unimaginative idea, and I'm sure it has been done before...
However, I did think the overall cinematography of the video was impressive. The shots had sharp contrast in colour quality and were well imagined.
Also, the special effects were exciting. I think it is the quality of the visual image that is appealing within this video, besides from that there is not much else. 
I found with this video, it should have seemed original and I was expecting it to be original and interesting but instead I was quite let down by the reoccuring ballerina theme, which is nice for a while but then gets repetitive and boring. Furthermore, the music changes during the video and it just distorts and ruins the visuals of the video.  

"Thriller" by Michael Jackson is probably one of the most influencial music videos of its time, and it still remains one of the greatest and most popular.

It is like the landmark for when music videos became more significant.

"Thriller" had a huge effect on popular culture for its visual connections with that of film-making, something we take for granted now, but "Thriller" was the first video to explore making a music video more creatively interesting by including aspects of film-making. 

Kanye West said in a recent interview he was inspired by music videos such as "Thriller" when he planned his own creative endeavour.
So even though Kanye's video is longer than Michael Jackson's "Thriller", it will never really match up to the "greats" in my view because "Runaway" lacks the originality and influential content to make it something people will really remember in a couple of years from now.

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