Tuesday 30 November 2010

Music Video Analysis

Jessie J - Do it Like a Dude

Feminism can be found in many modern music videos, each artist explores it in a different way. This video caught my attention for many reasons, and it is indeed relevant to our project.
It can be seen that both the song "Do it Like a Dude" and the whole concept of its video were made with the purpose to empower women, to evoke equality between men and women. Different interpretations can be given to this video. Although the purpose behind this may be positive, I personally believe that the message conveyed here is not positive at all. In fact, it is implied that for a woman to be strong, she has to be like a man,  she has to become one. This is portrayed through the use of mise-en-scene, where the females are wearing men's clothes and acting like stereotypical manly men. The lyrics emphasize the visuals:

" I can do it like a brother, I can do it like a dude, We can do it like the mandem (...) Boom Boom, pull me a beer, no pretty drinks, I'm a guy out here. "

 I personally disagree with the whole concept of media texts - especially music videos - encouraging women to be consumerists, to conform to stereotypical beauty standards. However I don't agree with the message conveyed in Jessie J's video either.

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