Monday 29 November 2010

Making of music video 'Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa'

We have taken many pictures of the whole process of producing our music video. Including pictures of our actors.

Aurelio Miranda as the cruel scientist.

                         Before                                                     After: Lab Coat. Glasses.

Us Filming.

Green Screen Studio

Shanti explaining the next scene to our actress, and Dunia waiting by the camera to film.

Shannae plays the role of the young female model, who is exploited by the Media.

Barefoot. No Make Up. Plain Clothes. Striped Top - prison like -,  No Jewellery. This is at the very beginning of our video, where the model is still natural and about to go through a make over.

Drawing lines in her face as well as in her body, to portray that she is being forced to go through plastic surgery to have the stereotypical perfect body.

High Heels. Short dress. Make Up. Jewellery. Hair Styled. This is the result of the scientist's 'experiments', this is only displayed at the end of our video, when she has given up and conformed to stereotypes.

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